Responsible of Gaming
88WANWIN believe that gambling is a personal choice. Ensure that the decision to gamble is your personal choice with force by any party. Establish what constitutes an acceptable loss before starting to gamble.
Never ever gamble if:
You are not the legal gambling age in your jurisdiction
It distracts you from doing your work or fulfilling responsibilities.
You are recovering from addictive disorders or dependencies.
You are under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
You are attempting to make up for prior gambling losses
If gambling is not something you want to do but rather something you need to do, we advise you to seek professional help. Many people view gambling as recreation - a fun and harmless way to spend some leisure time and escape the monotony of everyday life. However, there are some, a small minority, for whom gambling has become troublesome. Compulsive and addicted gamblers have tarnished the positive image and good name of fair online and land-based casino. 88WANWIN team received well training to sport and identify the signs of problem of gaming in its players. Our vision is providing a comfortable and polite gaming environment but at the same time also help people who are in need our assistance.
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